Promote Other Website Promote your other website or any other link by creating own ads, if you don’t know how to create own ads and place in our website or blog then watch this video till the end. Watch complete video to understand, How To Create Own Ads In Blogger…
Get more AdSense approval faster Getting AdSense approval can be difficult if you don’t know how to create blog or website in a proper way, if you have already blog or a website, make this changes to get AdSense approval faster. Just follow this step to get AdSense approval blog…
Get more subscribers on your YouTube channel Getting subscribers can be difficult if you don’t know where to begin subscribers in your YouTube channel, but if you have already blog or a website, make it easy for your visitors to find your videos and subscribe to your channel. YouTube offers…
Blogger Description :- Blogger is possibly the oldest blogging platform still actively running on the web, Google Blogger has been home to millions of bloggers for over 16 years now, and still maintains a quite stable market share in the content management platform list. Out of all the known websites…
Remove Copyright Credit? In this article I will show you How To Removed Footer Credit From Premium Blogger Template No Redirect, To remove footer credit link of blogger Template without redirecting footer credit but free template contain footer credit with a copyright link. Just follow this step to remove copyright…
Looking for AMP Blogger Template, then here I have top 5 Best AMP Blogger Templates 2020 (Free) which you can use in your blog to boost up your blog loading speed. These templates are SEO Friendly, Fully Responsive, Ads Ready and Fast Loading, so using these templates will help you…
What is a sitemap? A sitemap is an XML file that contains the URLs inside your blog. This file helps crawlers to find all of the URLs of your blog.There are many aspects of your site that a crawler will follow, such as the size of your sitemap and the…
Many times when you write a post for your blog, you need to insert a table on your post to show the content more efficiently. In WordPress, there are many plugins available that can create tables in just a few clicks. But if your blog is hosted on Blogger(Blogspot) there…
Blogger is free.? Blogger is a free publishing platform, which is BlogSpot is a free domain service provider. They’re both owned by Google and are used together on the Blogger platform. When you create your blog on Blogger, you’ll automatically get a BlogSpot subdomain. How to create blog in blogger.?…
Chossess Best Platform For Blogging If you don’t own a blog yet, you need to find the right platform for you. There are so many blogging platforms out in the market to choose from such as WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Medium and Weebly etc. Try one out Click Here; if you…