Today in this post I will show you how to make a 10 second countdown timer before a download button link appear, You might seen at many games and software website’s download page such as and others, when the page loads, a 10 second timer automatically start. Then after the time is up a download button appears for people to click on the link and start their download. why you have to do this on your blog ?
You can place advertisement at above and below of download button and timer. there is many chance to get more clicks on your ads, This is one of the best thing about this script. However, you can use this for the different things of your mind, So if you would like to add countdown timer before a download button link appears on the download page, Then just follow the simple steps below.
Step 1: First you need to install Shortcode Plugin in wordpress for creating download button.
Step 2: Check theme name which is you are using in your wordpress.
Step 3: Download countdown script in the mention below.
Step 4: Copy all script.
Step 5: Go to your cPanel >Public_HTML then choose your website folder and open it >wp-content >Theme>then open folder what theme you are using in your wordpress website, you checked in (step 2) after that edit footer.php then go below (php wp_footer) and paste all script which is you copy from (step 4).
Note :- See image for batter understand.
Step 6: Create post for making countdown download button, create button using of shortcode plugin.
Step 7: Then choose Button as mention below image.
Step 8: Fill all button requirements.
Step 9: Below click insert shortcode, after that you will see this type of code.
Step 10: Then after just add id of your countdown script, you will find in script which is you paste in your cPanel.
Step 11: In this case id is (download) so open your post and type id=”download” before url as mention below image.
Step 12: That all your countdown download button in ready just view your post and you can see the result.
If you don’t understand watch this video till the end.
I hope that you find it helpful, and don’t forget to share it with your friends, also if you have any query you can ask me in the comment section.